Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TED Talk Response #3

John McWhorter talks about how people think that texting is degrading language, and how they are wrong. He goes into describing how people in previous generations had thought that the youth of their time had been  throwing away the classical ways of speaking and writing. Well he gave an example of someone in 63 a.d. who thought that Latin was being spoken to casually. That just happened to turn out to be French. McWhorter is very serious when he talks. He speaks intelligently, informatively  but every once in a while he throws in some humor. That's what makes his audience like him. He teaches, but adds just enough fun so people don't fall asleep. His presentation style is simple and has been done over and over again. He talks about something, and his slides go along with it to help explain what he is talking about. Everyone who watches this video, well almost everyone, will realize that texting is not in any way degrading how we speak or talk. It's just evolving how we speak or talk. His main message is for people who worry about this kind of thing should calm down.

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