Thursday, May 9, 2013

TED Talk Response #8

Terry Moore showed in his TED Talk how small improvements in life can make huge differences in completely other areas. His speaking techniques were just to talk. He had some humor, and was very casual about how he talked. After all it was a three minute speech. His presentation style was interesting, as he demonstrated his example in his talk. He showed a better way to tie a shoe, and said that small improvements make big differences. This is important to society, because the better we do things, the more progress we can make.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sebastiao Salgado talks about the importance of forests in the world. When he was young he grew up on a beautiful farm, and when he returned as an adult it was completely gone. He rebuilt his forest and encourages others to do the same. His speaking techniques was just simple talking. There was no humor, but feeling. He talked to his audience like they were regular people. His presentation style was mainly using pictures, after all, he was a photographer. He used his photographs of the beauty of the nature he was trying to preserve to make his case on why the forest should be saved. His talk is important because, well, trees are important. They turn CO2 into oxygen, they keep the air cool and moist, and keep the water running and keep the soil in place. They are an irreplaceble, and need to be saved.

TED Talk Response #6

Geoffrey Canada in his TED talk talked about the things that are wrong with education. He talked about how schools aren't designed to benefit the students the most, and because of that are causing children to fail easier. His speaking methods were serious. He got his point across with passion. It was what drove his talk. He was funny at times, and that was to "make friends" with his audience. His presentation style was just a talk. There was no music, no pictures, no models, just his voice. At the end of of his talk, Geoffrey Canada talked about why it mattered. He said that we should be teaching out kids how to replace us in the world. He also said that he thought that we weren't doing that very effectively.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

TED Talk Response #4

Rose George talks about sanitation problems in her TED talk. She talks about how serious of an issue it is, and how she thinks that the solution to it is to talk about it. She said that diarrhea is the number one cause of child mortality, and we don't widely know that because we don't talk about toilets and defecating. Rose's speaking technique is sort of a half beg half protest. She states facts boldly. Then she asks the audience to do something about it, in this case talk about toilets more often. Her presentation style uses pictures to enhance what she was talking about. She told her audience that people in third world countries often didn't have a toilet to use. That didn't sound harsh enough so she put up a picture of a child crapping next to a freeway in India. This is actually an extremely important subject. Poop is a major cause of death in many places in the world. Even though a lot of money is being put into clean sanitized water, almost none is put into installing toilets, which can be as simple as a hole in the ground.


He wearily stepped out of his car. Looking up at the cloudy sky, he sighed and proceeded up the steps to his house. His wife was in the window, staring at her feet. This was going to be another sad evening. But his wife wasn't standing, she was swaying slowly.

TED Talk Response #5

Ken Robinson talked about how schools don't encourage students to be as creative as they can be. He talked about how schools around the world are focused on Math and Science and at the very bottom they teach arts and dance. Ken Robinson said that he thought that creativity was the key to success in the future. Robinson was very informative in his speaking style. He was casual in speaking, but he spoke seriously. He was funny here and there to add flavor to his talk, but for the most part he didn't joke around. Another thing was that Ken Robinson just talked. He just spoke. He didn't have anything to elaborate on his subject. He didn't have a slideshow, he didn't have pictures or music or things like that. He just spoke about his topic. But he spoke in a way that you could picture in your head what he was talking about. His topic on how schools are killing creativity warns society that schools aren't preparing children for the future enough or even in the right way. He warns that if schools don't start incorporating creativity and art type things into their curriculum  things could go wrong.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TED Talk Response #3

John McWhorter talks about how people think that texting is degrading language, and how they are wrong. He goes into describing how people in previous generations had thought that the youth of their time had been  throwing away the classical ways of speaking and writing. Well he gave an example of someone in 63 a.d. who thought that Latin was being spoken to casually. That just happened to turn out to be French. McWhorter is very serious when he talks. He speaks intelligently, informatively  but every once in a while he throws in some humor. That's what makes his audience like him. He teaches, but adds just enough fun so people don't fall asleep. His presentation style is simple and has been done over and over again. He talks about something, and his slides go along with it to help explain what he is talking about. Everyone who watches this video, well almost everyone, will realize that texting is not in any way degrading how we speak or talk. It's just evolving how we speak or talk. His main message is for people who worry about this kind of thing should calm down.